Exhibition Opening in the Gotisches Haus // “Theodor Fontane und Karl May. Brandenburg-Prussia in the Work of two Bestselling Authors”

Thursday 13.6.2019
Beginning: 19.00

Fontane und May

Theodor Fontane and Karl May, avenues and prairies of the Mark – does it fit together? Curator Thomas Kramer compares the authors’ view of Brandenburg-Prussian history between 1414 and 1870/71.

Duration of the exhibition 14. Juni – 24. November 2019

More information: https://fontane-200.de/de/theodor-fontane-und-karl-may/


Attention// This exhibition is not located on the Citadel, but in our branch in the Gotisches Haus, Breite Str. 32, 13597 Berlin.

Mo-Sat: 10 – 18 Uhr

Sun: 12 – 18 Uhr

Closed on public holidays

Free entry