Beginning: Sun 24.5.2020 - 17.00
Ending: Sun 24.5.2020 - 18.30
Price 18,- € / reduced 15,- €
Tickets phone 030 – 333 40 22
Lars Ulrik Mortensen, harpsichord
Bernhard Schrammek, presentation
The exceptional Danish musician, up close and personal, in an interview with rbbKultur moderator Bernhard Schrammek. After conducting Saturday evening’s concert of north German church music with trumpets and strings (23.05, 19:30, St. Nikolai Church in Spandau), Lars Ulrik Mortensen joins in on a Sunday interview-recital, playing 17th-century harpsichord music from German-speaking lands. Music by Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667), Matthias Weckmann (1616-1674), and Georg Böhm (1661-1733).
Lars Ulrik Mortensen | Bernhard Schrammek
in cooperation with the Danish embassy