SPAM – Spandau macht Alte Musik | Attaignant Traverso Consort – »Madame d’amours«

Italienische Höfe

Beginning: Sun 17.5.2020 - 20.00
Ending: Sun 17.5.2020 - 22.00

Price 24,- € / reduced 20,- €
Tickets phone 030 – 333 40 22

Kate Clark, cantus | Amanda Markwick, altus | João Ferreira de Miranda, tenor | Giuditta Isoldi, bassus | Christoph Sommer, lute

Music from the golden age of the renaissance transverse-flute consort, from the courts of Henry VIII, the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian, François I of France, the House of Hapsburg, and Medici Florence. Songs of love and sorrow, instrumental fantasias, birdsong and a hunting horn are all translated into the haunting and sensual language of the renaissance flute. This programme presents music from manuscripts and the earliest printed music for consort, from London, Nuremberg, Madrid, Paris, Florence, and Rome.

»An enchanting collection …a beautifully crafted, meticulously researched, generously presented and impeccably contextualized collection of attractive music – wonderfully played.« [Classical Net Review about the Attaignant Consort’s ‘Madame d’amours’]

