SPAM – Spandau macht Alte Musik | Capella de la Torre & Katharina Bäuml – »Air Music« – Tales of Flying Creatures and Heavenly Breezes

Italienische Höfe

Beginning: Sun 24.5.2020 - 19.30
Ending: Sun 24.5.2020 - 21.30

Price 32,- € / reduced 26 €
Tickets phone 030 333 40 22

Katharina Bäuml, shawm and artistic direction | Margaret Hunter, soprano | Hildegard Wippermann, alto shawm and recorder | Tural Ismayilov, sackbut | Annette Hils, bass dulcian | Martina Fiedler, organ | Johannes Vogt, lute | Mike Turnbull, percussion

CD-Release-Concert Capella de la Torre’s 15-year jubileum

In the theories of the humors and the four temperaments, the »Luftikus« is a cheerful, easy-going sanguine, ruled by the planet Jupiter – a Sunday’s child, as it were, born under a lucky star. In this concert, Capella de la Torre traces various facets of the basic element associated with this personality type: air. The musicians explore the concept of air both as it relates to the spirit or soul, and within the context of natural phenomena. And so on its strenuous journey, a pause for a happy celebration, before the soft »Westron Wynde« blows again.

