Monument tour / Thälmanns nose and Lenins screws in the head

Platz der Vereinten Nationen

Beginning: Thu 29.8.2019 - 18.00
Ending: Thu 29.8.2019 - 19.30

Price frei

On a tour through Prenzlauer Berg and Friedrichshain we explore together with the historian Stefan Zollhauser (Berlin Spurensuche) the original locations of the East Berlin monuments in our exhibition. The route leads from the United Nations Square via exciting detours to Ernst-Thälmann-Park. We will visit places of a culture of remembrance that buries some revolutionaries in the Müggelheimer Forst and places others under a preservation order. In addition, we clarify controversial questions such as..: How did Lenin’s head come from the Ukraine via Friedrichshain to Spandau? And is Thälmann’s nose actually heated?

Meeting point: United Nations Square 1-2, 10249 Berlin (in front of the tower block)

Free offer
Please register at: verwaltung@jugendkunstschule.test.wirecore.net

Further dates: 19.7. at 18 o’clock as well as 29.8. , 5pm